Hi, my name is Alex Vollmer and I live in Seattle, WA. I get paid to write software, which is something I would probably do in my free-time anyway (shhh…don't tell anyone). When I'm not nerding-out, I like to play my guitars, get out on the bike, read history books and spend time with my family and friends.

Since I'm a child of the web, you can find me on the interwebs in all the usual places:


When I'm not composing sprawling, pithy blog posts, I like to write the occasional tweet. Twitter is one of those things that became surprisingly essential to me. Who needs news? Who needs journalism? I've got 140 characters!

See what I've written:


Damn. I wish I'd come up with this idea. has to be about the coolest idea I've seen that is geek-centric, but about so much more than just the technology. Well, if I can't create it, at least I can enjoy using it.

See what I've made:

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Resumés are so last-century. I mean, if you want, I can send you one. But why not check out what I've done in my career the way the cool kids do it.

See what I've worked on:


Occasionally I remember to record the events going on around me with my camera. Sometimes I even remember to organize those photos and, on a good day, I remember to put them up on flickr.

See what I've seen:

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Guess who's a book-nerd? Me! My book queue is mile high and growing by the day. I stick mostly to tech-stuff and history, but occasionally branch out into fiction. I love getting book recommendations so let me know if there's something I just have to check out.

See what I've been reading:

Alex's book montage

The Elfish Gene: Dungeons, Dragons and Growing Up Strange

Alex's favorite books »